Monday, June 1, 2009

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International or the JDRF is one of the foremost as well as charity-oriented funders that help promotes further juvenile diabetes research in all parts of the world. The main mission of this juvenile diabetes research foundation is to find out a cure for the dreaded juvenile diabetes disease and to also find out how best to treat complications that arise whenever a person suffers from juvenile diabetes.

Much of the efforts of this juvenile diabetes research organization are a mirror of the work being done by the CDC as well as by the National Institute of Health. However, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation was only founded as early as the year 1970 and among the founders were parents of children that were diagnosed with juvenile disease. However, the actual juvenile diabetes research work only began some eight years later and in fact many of the volunteers that work for this research organization have a pretty close connection with juvenile diabetes and so this connections acts as a motivating force that further commits the volunteers greatly to finding the cure for the dreaded juvenile diabetes disease.

The JDRF is being driven by the work of its volunteers who are spread across more than one hundred different locations throughout the world and these volunteers are expending every effort in raising money for further juvenile diabetes research and to also advocate for higher spending by the government to further promote the research efforts being made to find some way of defeating juvenile diabetes once and for all.

Juvenile diabetes research shows quite clearly that juvenile diabetes or Type 1 diabetes as it is also known as strikes children before they have become complete adults and the disease will also continue affecting the diabetics throughout their entire lives. This means that without adequate knowledge about the possible causes and cures of the disease there would be millions of young children suffering from this dreaded disease. Getting multiple numbers of insulin injections each and every day of your life is no joke and so it can only be hoped that help will be forthcoming for the diabetics through further and concerted juvenile diabetes research efforts.

It is necessary that the symptoms of juvenile diabetes be identified at an early stage because only then will it be possible to begin treatment at the right time. Juvenile diabetes affects more than two hundred thousand children and many young adults as well. The sooner it can be known that juvenile diabetes has struck the better will be the chances of recovery.

1 comment:

smartug6 said...

The main mission of this juvenile diabetes research foundation is to find out a cure for the dreaded juvenile diabetes disease and to also find out how best to treat complications that arise whenever a person suffers from juvenile diabetes.