Saturday, June 27, 2009

What Are The Symptoms Of Toxic Mold?

Mold isn’t naturally a poison. In fact, mold plays an invaluable part in the natural cycle of the world. There are at least 3,000 types of mold that have been identified by scientists so far, and it’s generally thought that there are more types out there waiting to be identified. Molds naturally break down organic matter and help recycle it so that other living organisms can use it as energy. However, when mold gets into places it shouldn’t be, then it starts to cause health problems. How do you know if you have mold? Well, first off, look for a few key symptoms that point to toxic mold.

The list of symptoms associated with toxic mold is extremely long. And to make things worse, they are so mild at first that people assume that they simply have a cold or the flu, or that their allergies are just acting up, when in fact they have symptoms of exposure to toxic mold. And unfortunately because people wrongly assume that their health problems are not serious, they don’t realize that they need to have their home tested for toxic mold and the problem gets serious.

The symptoms of the toxic mold sound like the flu at first: nausea and fatigue. However, the symptoms that develop soon after are very different: difficulty breathing, headaches, a cough, red eyes, memory loss, dizziness, lack of concentration, and the development of rashes or hives. The worst of these toxic mold symptoms are bleeding in the lungs, irregularity in blood pressure and even damage in the digestive and respiratory system!

Of course, there are other toxic mold symptoms that may develop as well. The most serious among these is pulmonary hemorrhage, osteopenia, kidney failure, cancer, trouble speaking, seizures, hearing loss and even an increased risk of tuberculosis. Less serious but just as annoying toxic mold symptoms include sudden hair loss, personality changes, sneezing fits, tremors, irritability, and diarrhea.

If you want to avoid getting sick because of mold – and thus avoiding any symptoms of toxic mold poising – make sure to always take very good care of your home. Things like leaking roofs and leaking pipes create the perfect breeding ground for house mold, and that creates a serious health hazard. The symptoms of toxic mold can be very serious so make sure that, if you find toxic mold in your home, you go and see your doctor to make sure you don’t have any more nasty surprises waiting for you.


Chemical Billy said...

Common Overlooked Mold Source In Homes

In 2002 I burned my home down because it was beyond repair because of mold. As you can imagine, I have studies this issue ever since. There is a respiratory threat along with aerated mold and bacteria from jetted bathtubs.

Jetted tubs, often called Jacuzzi’s, have about 15-20 feet of plumbing lines that run underneath the tubs. These lines are full of warm stagnant water that is full of biofilm, mold, fungus and bacteria. If the tub isn’t cleaned properly, with a cleaner designed to clean jetted tubs, you run the risk of bathing in very, very high levels of bacteria and breathing in aerated mold and bacteria.

Use a jetted tub cleaner like Oh Yuk Jetted Tub Cleaner, that was designed to clean jetted bathtubs for the lodging industry. This will ensure that you are bathing in clean bathwater, and breathing clean air.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I cant say that I completely agree with you. Mold is probably natural, but many people have died of mold. You can just search around on the internet for this and see. But in my case, I work with it all day long. So for me its good business, because people dont know how to treat it. Take a look at my website if you want. water damage restoration dallas texas - mold website