The Institute for Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture in Arizona is one of the leading training centers in this type of medical practice in the country. Acupuncture and herbal medicine has long been discounted in the West as a valid medical practice, but the medical profession is coming to see the value of this type of medicine when used in conjunction with standard modern medical practices since it usually uses a holistic approach to reach the underlying causes of the illnesses and diseases. Colleges and universities are offering more certifications and degrees in herbal medicine so that individuals will be better trained and qualified to work alongside medical professionals to treat patients
Acupuncture and herbal medicine clinics have been springing up alongside of medical offices and hospitals to provide the resources that are needed in the field to better serve patients. Often the modern medical practitioners will prescribe the surface cure to the problem, such as treating the symptoms of acne breakouts, and the herbal medicine practitioners will work with the individual to change eating habits, exercise habits and other issues that are the underlying causes of the acne. By working together the patient gets a more comprehensive treatment program that will help to solve the problem permanently.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine clinics should always be checked beforehand by the patient to make sure that they are accredited. There are now strict standards for acupuncturists to follow in order to become licensed and to keep the license. For instance, in order to be qualified to take the licensing exam, the acupuncturist must have at least twenty-five hundred training hours in the field. This helps to ensure that the practitioner has been thoroughly trained before obtaining the license and opening an acupuncture and herbal medicine clinic.
An acupuncturist trained in the art of Chinese acupuncture will always start with a rigorous examination and diagnosis process that will incorporate observing the patient, listening to their body functions, palpitating certain areas of the body, questioning the patient about eating and exercise habits as well as stress in his life, and smelling the patient for anything abnormal. In this way the practitioner can narrow down the root of the problem and prescribe the treatment methods. The treatment in an acupuncture and herbal medicine clinic will usually entail changing the foods the individual eats, the exercise program he is on, certain herbs that can help to clear pathways, and acupuncture to stimulate certain parts of the body and also open pathways for energy flow.
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