Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has been used to treat a variety of different conditions through the ages. Unlike Western medicine, where there is more of a 'one size fits all' approach to illnesses and diseases, the Chinese herbal medicine formulates the cure to fit the particular needs and body type of the patient. There are some individuals who have gone to a modern doctor for treatment of acne and have not found a resolution to it. Others have gone to Chinese herbal medicine for acne and have also not found resolution. It seems that a combination of the two approaches is the best option since there is a targeted approach that is used with modern medicine and a holistic approach that is used in Chinese medicine for acne treatment, which combined, can create the minimizing effect desired by those with the problem.
A dermatologist will be able to prescribe medications that are good for break outs in individuals with an acne problem, but will usually not help to solve the underlying causes of the acne. Chinese herbal medicine for acne will help the individual to change his diet and also give other means to bring his body back in balance and control the effects of acne. Chinese herbal medicine for acne says that there are certain foods that are not good for individuals with acne to eat on a regular basis. Seafood, spicy food, oily food, chicken and beef are the foods to stay away from when a person is struggling with acne. This does not seem to leave many meat products that the person can eat, however pork products seem to be acceptable as well as many vegetables and fruits. In addition to these foods, the Chinese herbal medicine approach for acne says that the individual should drink a lot of water so that the system can flush out the toxins and remain in balance more readily.
Any doctor that uses Chinese herbal medicine for acne will tell the individual that there is not one specific herbal concoction that will work for everyone. Each person must be examined on their different plains to see what herbs would be beneficial to them in helping with the acne problem. These herbs, when prescribed, are then taken and boiled into a tea that the individual will usually drink one time per day for sixty days. After that time the body should be back into a more balanced state, and if not, the individual should go back to the doctor of Chinese herbal medicine for acne and see what else they can do to change their lifestyle and habits.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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