Friday, January 9, 2009

Vitamin A for Better Eyesight

As young children, our moms insisted that we eat our veggies whether we liked them or not. As adults, we incorporate the same standards when it comes to serving nutritious food to our kids. The one area which plagues many of us is poor eyesight and how to improve your vision. In fact, you may be one of several million people reading this with eyeglasses. Vitamin A for better eyesight is important for anyone who is trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Also known as retinal, Vitamin A promotes better eyesight. It also aids in the prevention of different types of eye conditions, including macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Found in foods such as eggs, dairy products, fish oils, and vegetables – specifically carrots, vitamin A is a necessary component which produces beta-carotene in the body.

Poor vision can be debilitating, especially as we become older. Although there have been technological advances such as Lasik surgery, the inability to focus, read, or even drive can have an adverse affect on how we live our daily lives.

In addition, lack of vitamin A can cause other problems such as dry eyes and night blindness. Let’s face it; whether you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, having poor vision limits your capacity to enjoy those things in life which give you the most pleasure.

To get your essential vitamin A, you can also consume fruits and vegetables that are yellow, green, and orange in color. For example, carrots, sweet potatoes, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and cantaloupe are all excellent as part of your dietary regimen. They all contain carotenoids which, when digested, are converted into vitamin A. Oh, and don’t forget the spinach!

Studies have shown that eating one carrot a day contains twice the RDA of vitamin A. Perhaps you take veggies to work for snacking or lunch, or you include a myriad of vegetables for dinner. If you do, good for you! You are promoting good eye health - not just for you but for your family as well.

Here’s a little recipe you might wish to try in the morning. Take two carrots and an apple, cut them in small chunks and place them in your blender. The result is a vitamin-enriched drink that is not only great as a breakfast treat, but can also be utilized throughout your day. Your kids will love it, too!

Hindsight is 20/20 (pardon the pun!), and our grandmothers and mothers were right to insist we eat our veggies. Today, we impart the same knowledge about healthy foods that we learned from them. Children, who are especially lacking in daily doses of vitamins today, can benefit greatly from our experience.

Vitamin A for better eyesight is a proven fact. So add the veggies to the dinner menu, prepare them as snack drinks, and include them in your kids’ lunchboxes. The eyes are the windows to the world, as they say; therefore, now is the time to do whatever you can to keep your eyes as healthy as possible so that you and your kids can enjoy the wonders of the world together.

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